Confessions of a Main Street Mom

Media Kit & Rate Sheet

Hi friends! I am sharing with you the media kits that I’ve created and use, and some tips on filling it out below!!

You can find the link here! It’s on SALE right now too!

Using a media kit you’ll be able put your best food forward and tell brands why they should hire you and how you can add value to their brand! I was able to get paid brand partnerships within only a few months of starting my blog and social media accounts! So I want to tell you once and for all you DO NOT have to have a huge following to get band deals!

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when filling out your media kit! (I’ve written my media kit so that it guides you on what to fill in!)

1. Stick to your accent colors! From the photos that you choose, to the colors in your media kit; make sure they all go together! You want the colors in your media kit to almost pull from your photos. It adds cohesion.

2. Try to use light colors as your accent colors, as different platform algorithms generally favor light and bright.

3. Under your Blog Name you should list either your tag line of your brand/blog. Or three subject words that describe what you are all about such as Wellness + Travel + Mom Life. This is so that a brand can immediately see what kind of topics you cover and can get an idea of your followers/readers interests.

4. Do not make your “about section” too long! You don’t want the brand to not actually read that section because you’ve written it the length of a book.

5. You get to choose which stats to list so put your best foot forward and use your best stats! Meaning if you have a small following then highlight your engagement rate instead! You may have a killer engagement rate that brands are looking for!

Checkout my guided media kit HERE and start getting those brand deals!! You’ve got this! A good media kit goes a LONG way!!! And remember! Even if you don’t have a huge following yet doesn’t mean you can’t get brand deals! You are valuable to brands! Brand actually like working with micro influencers!

XOXO, Bergen

My favorite content creation tools!! Just click the photo to see the listing

Gimbal Stabilizer with body tracking technology

Lighting & Camera Setup

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