Confessions of a Main Street Mom
Disney Flair,  Vitality

Mickey Peppermint Brownies

Hey Friends!!! I wanted to share with you my yummy recipe to make Mickey Mouse Peppermint Brownies!!! Made with Young Living’s Vitality Culinary Line oils!

Checkout my video to learn how I did it and some tips!
These oils are super powerful so you only need about 3-4 drops for the whole batter!

I’m loving experimenting with these culinary oils! It’s so easy to bake with Young Living’s vitality oils on hand. There’s so many yummy recipes I can’t wait to try! I’ll share them as I make them! The Mickey Mouse mold is from Shop Disney!

As always let me know if you want to try! I’ll set you up so you get 24% off everything and I’d love for you to be a part of my tribe ❤️ Click here to pickup your kit

Disclosure: I’m using Young Living oils only. This is because I know they are pure and that I can ingest them. So this recipe is only for Young Living oils. I can’t speak to the ingredients and purity of any other oils so I definitely don’t recommend ingesting anything else. Even if it is labeled as pure it’s usually only 3-5% pure and the rest is fillers! This is super important!

xoxo, Bergen