Confessions of a Main Street Mom
My Best Kept Secrets

Postpartum + being a Momma is hard!

I’m about to get real with you guys. Because honestly what’s the point of being fake and perfect? No one is. And you know what’s pretty beautiful?

  1. Our struggles, weaknesses, and imperfections is what actually connects us with others. That’s what bonds us. And while we are all social distancing we all can connect through social media in ways we never needed to before.
  2. Postpartum is HARD! Being a momma is HARD! After I had my son I felt like I was in a fog, like a cloud was over me. I felt weighed down and tired all the time. Tired to the point that some mornings I honestly couldn’t even open by eyes,

I got mastitis so many times I can’t even count and if you’ve had it you know its bad! Its like having the a really bad flu and you still having to take care of a newborn at the same time. To say it’s exhausting is an understatement.

I was moody, I had mom guilt, I felt all the things new moms feel. My hormones were so messed up. And I just felt that this wasn’t supposed to be how the first year of my sons life was supposed to go. I felt so bad about it.

He is so precious and I just tried to absorb every single moment with him, I didn’t want to do anything wrong. I had anxiety about him growing up too fast (can you relate?!) I tried to be a perfect mom, and research everything to give him the best. But I couldn’t lift myself out of the fog that was pulling me down.

I finally decided something had to change. To be the best mom for my son I had to take care of myself first. I texted my best friend who started using and sharing about oils with me 5 years ago. I told her I was ready. Like NOW. I couldn’t wait to get my kit. I needed anything that would help. I started taking Ningxia Red twice a day.

  1. After a week my mood was improved. ⁣
  2. I was lifted out of the cloud.⁣
  3. I felt uplifted, empowered, and so positive about life. ⁣
  4. It improved the mommy brain fog. ⁣
  5. My energy levels were so much better. ⁣
  6. I can actually get through the day without being exhausted. ⁣
  7. And I haven’t gotten mastitis since. Which is HUGE. ⁣

So all this to say I am so thankful for this product. That’s why I share about it so much. It’s been a life saver for me. It’s helped me to be more present for my family. And I know there’s so many out there going through the same thing.

This is just my personal experience. Obviously the things I said above aren’t on the label as a cure. But this is what happened for me. And I’m never going to stop taking it because I absolutely do not want to feel that way ever again.

I wish I would have had this earlier on postpartum and next time I’ll already be taking it so I know I have something that will take care of my body for me.

If any of this sounds like you, know you aren’t alone, you won’t always feel like this, there’s things out there that can help.

If you want to have some of this goodness in your life click here to sign up with a kit ❤️❤️

I hope this helps you

Xoxo, Bergen